The Eighth Day

We are living in this eighth day eternal world. We are always in the eighth day.

When we go to the Liturgy we are in eternity (and) heaven is on earth.

We’re already now with the Resurrected One. His eternity is present among us. His eternal life has broken into our world of time and is present and active among us.

--Dr Arthur Just, commenting on Luke 19, April 7, 2010 on Issues Etc

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Interesting trivia

A nonwoven polypropylene reusable shopping bag uses 28 times more energy to manufacture than a standard plastic shopping bag, and 8 times more energy than a paper grocery bag. So reuse your bag at least 29 times. (Using a shopping bag once a week for a year eliminates about 100 plastic bags.) Source: Wall Street Journal, 9/26/08

"Poison control centers are second only to childhood immunization programs in their ability to provide cost savings in public health delivery." Source: Pharmacy Today, September 2008. ETA: I learned that in the 19th century, pasteurizing milk and chlorinating drinking water saved even more lives per dollar invested.


smariek said...

Interesting. Is that the stuff they use to make those reusable bags that they sell in supermarkets, libraries, Target, etc?

Sarah said...

Yes, those are the standard reusable bags you can buy, that fold up with a rectangular base.